Patanjali ‘s Mindfulness- The 7 Steps to Self-Fullness: by Raghu Ananthanarayanan
Who centres the universal wheel? How may we touch this centre in our selves? The divine manifests itself in order and rhythm, we touch the divine when we experience order within. How do we learn to live with order and rhythm so that the divine may manifest itself in our lives? These are great questions to ponder over. Patanjali says that we can live our life in a way that enables us to embody the answers to these questions. This is the Yogic quest. Patanjali sets out for us a set of practices through which we can transform our everyday life into one that is full of truth and beauty. These practices start from mindfulness directed to our everyday interactions. They move through stages, each of which becomes firm ground from which we can ascend to the next step. Each step is a deepening and strengthening of the mindfulness practice. The practise becomes a way of life, and this constancy of mindfulness prepares our psyche to invite the transcendent Self to ...